I’m here with Eric Bailey. He came into our house and absolutely rocked the mic! Just took an hour of his life and shared valuable life lessons on what you can do to reduce your limits, and I really appreciate that! It was a really amazing experience!
Kris KrohnI wanted to say THANK YOU! Because of the tools and techniques you have taught my husband and myself, we generated more money in the month of September than we have EVER generated in a single month!! We actually quadrupled what we made in August! We have found more value in not only ourselves but also our mentees, they are getting results as well! It has been phenomenal learning from you! I am excited for what is to come!! Thanks!
Alyssa C.So far in my mentoring program with Eric Bailey I have catapulted in my personal progress. I was stunted for a long time. Eric was the other set of eyes that could see what was holding me back. After one mentoring appointment my relationship with my husband went from on the verge of divorce to marital bliss that I did not know was even possible. After ONE appointment! After learning the BEST technique, I really have a tool to help my family and friends get cleared and heal themselves instead of just hoping for them to figure it out. I can be an agent of change for good in other peoples lives. Thanks Eric!
Julie F.From the moment I set foot in Eric’s house I could not feel but love and good energy. The way that this energy fills your heart and Eric’s guidance through the whole experience just makes you feel safe and comfortable. I thank him for the opportunity to help me express myself and understand why I do the things I do and to release all those emotions that were repressed for a long time. Thank you for letting me in a better life and enjoy who I really am destined to be. I will definitely recommend anyone who really wants to be happy and enjoy the good things in life to take that step and go to the Refiner’s Fire experience and be able to let the negative emotions leave your heart and let all good things come to you. I will always be thankful.
Rebecca S.Thank you so much for stretching me to commit to get started with personal mentoring. Just the experience alone has already made a massive difference in my life. Just today (two days after signing up) I had someone concerned that they couldn’t afford my services. Rather than rolling over and letting them postpone their success, I was bold and stood by the urgency and importance of what they are choosing to do! That, in combination with what I’ve learned from the CD’s you gave me, has already generated over $5,000. I know I wouldn’t have received otherwise! You’re a rock star my friend! If I can accomplish that much growth with you in two days, I like where I know I’ll be in two years!
Dustin H.My wife and I went to your Celebration of Freedom seminar knowing we were capable of more but not knowing how to get it. The concepts you taught us were simple but profound. I struggled fully believing they would work because it was so easy and, in my mind, unrelated to actually acquiring money. Even though this was the case, I was determined to change my circumstances and decided to do exactly as you instructed and apply those new thoughts and actions every day. During the exercise where we came up with how to make $25,000 in 7 days, I was scared but went all in. This was surprisingly simple to accomplish; I just had to be persistent. No joke, 4 days after the seminar we had a client approach us at a get together and inform us that they wanted to utilize our services. Now, up til this point we would struggle to make $25,000 in 6 months let alone a week. Anyway, they asked for assistance from us which would total commissions of $25,000! I could not believe the request. Over the course of 8 hours you have changed our lives! We are now striving to receive personal mentoring as soon as possible because we now know that investing in ourselves and changing our way of thinking really can allow us to create the lives we have always dreamed of. Thank you, Eric!
Sammy & DJB.I want to thank you for making me see myself as being enough. You helped me to get out of my comfort zone and that is hard for me, but Eric was kind and patient and loving. If there is anyone that needs help with anything, I would recommend coming and seeing him to see what he can do for you. Thank you, again.
Jennifer S.Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way, you're right.
-Henry Ford
We help people create a 6-figure income by teaching the skills they need to master their minds and create all that they desire.

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