What would you do if your entire life was transformed? How would your life be if you had better relationships, health, finances, and overall joy? We can show you how it’s done!


But what if I’ve tried everything, been to all the seminars, done all that the other mentors and trainers have told me to do, but I still don’t see the results that I desire?

This is a question that a lot of people ask. Why is it that some people seem to get results and others don’t? It all has to do with synchronization.

Have you ever heard of someone who wanted to be a millionaire, so they start a business, work extremely hard, do all that they were taught to do, and still end up with little or no financial results? On the flip side, have you ever heard of someone who has no formal education that sets out to achieve results and becomes instantly successful? What is the difference between the two? It all boils down to what is going on inside their subconscious. While the first person may have wanted to be rich consciously, it may be that there are limiting beliefs inside his subconscious that are overpowering his conscious desires. Remember, the subconscious mind is many times more powerful than the conscious mind. If, for example, the first person grew up in a home where the belief that money is the root of all evil was ingrained into him, it is likely that he will push money and opportunities to make money away from him, often without even realizing it. The limiting subconscious belief will always overpower the conscious belief.

If that is the case, am I doomed to live a life of mediocrity if I have subconscious beliefs that are holding me back?

Only if you choose to do nothing about it. Our skilled mentors and practitioners at Feel Well, Live Well utilize a very special tool called the Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique, or B.E.S.T., to find and eliminate limiting beliefs located in the subconscious and synchronize, or align one’s subconscious beliefs to their conscious desires. In essence, we get yourself out of your own way so that you can create the results in your life that you desire much faster than otherwise. This is why Feel Well, Live Well students tend to get results much faster than students of other mentoring and training companies.

80% of success

Comes from mastering the mind and 20% comes from learning specific skills and strategies.

That seems too good to be true. How does it really work?

Think of it this way. Let’s say the result that you have been wanting to create in your life is having light inside your bedroom at night. As much as you try to flip the light switch, no light ever comes on. You see all of your neighbors easily turning on their light switches and producing the desired results in their bedrooms, but no matter what you do, you still can’t achieve your desired success.

You then hear of a special seminar taking place in your town which will teach you all about how to change a light bulb. You hear testimonials of countless individuals just like you who struggled to produce light within their bedrooms until they went to this seminar and learned from a master electrician how to properly change a light bulb. With much excitement, you invest your hard-earned money and set aside 3 days of your busy schedule and attend the seminar.

It is all that you have ever dreamed. You receive step-by-step instructions on how to purchase a new light bulb, unscrew the old light bulb, and replace it with the new one. You can’t wait to get home to put this new training into action. You do exactly as instructed and race over to the light switch, thinking, “Here it comes! When I flip the switch this time I will finally have light inside my bedroom!” You flip the switch….. and still nothing happens. You flip it again. Still, nothing.

“What a waste of money!” you think to yourself. “That electrician is such a fraud! I paid him all this money, did exactly as he said to do, and I still don’t have the results that I wanted.”

What you failed to realize is that, while the light bulb was dead and did need to be changed, your circuit breaker had also blown a fuse. Until you flip the circuit breaker back on, the light will never turn on no matter how many times you flip the switch.

Feel Well, Live Well training seminars and mentoring programs are designed to teach you how to “change a light bulb,” or create the specific results you desire in your life. B.E.S.T. is the tool used to turn the circuit breaker back on.

I’ve been to a lot of other seminars, and I always feel overloaded by the end.

This is actually very normal. Any decent seminar will teach you life-changing information that you can use to create better results in your life. When a person realizes that changes need to be made, emotions tend to get stirred up. These emotions become apparent when they reach the surface and can then cause an overwhelming feeling, which is why 88% of people who attend life-changing seminars do nothing with the information after the seminar is over.

At Feel Well, Live Well seminars, our students experience powerful exercises designed to stir up emotion so that it can then be cleared out.

What do you teach at your seminars?

At Feel Well, Live Well, we focus on what we call the 5 F’s of Success: Family, Faith, Fitness, Finances, and Fulfillment (in no particular order). Our seminars and mentoring programs are designed to help you create abundance in all five of these areas. 80% of success comes from mastering the mind and 20% comes from learning specific skills and strategies. Feel Well, Live Well seminars teach you how to master both. Check out Live Events in the menu for more details.

Where can I learn more about B.E.S.T.?

Simply click on the B.E.S.T. tab to read more about this life-changing technique and then contact us. We invite you to set up a time to visit one of our offices and experience it for the first time at NO charge. Simply tell the representative on the phone that you would like to experience a B.E.S.T. Treatment for the first time and set up your complimentary appointment. Your practitioner will take time after you arrive to explain in detail what it does and how it works.

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way, you’re right.

-Henry Ford


We help people create a 6-figure income by teaching the skills they need to master their minds and create all that they desire.

copyright 2016 | Feel Well Live Well