Where did B.E.S.T. originate?
B.E.S.T. was developed by a chiropractor named Dr. Morter over 40 years ago. While he was world-renowned doctor and all of his children became chiropractors, he ironically suffered from back pain for many years. While at a continuing education training one day, he was selected to assist with the technique demonstration at the front of the room. As he lied down on the table, he thought to himself, “This is going to be great! I’ll get adjusted and get rid of some of this pain that I have.” The doctor who was giving the presentation didn’t actually adjust Dr. Morter but merely explained what he would do in hypothetical circumstances. Although he didn’t actually receive an adjustment, Dr. Morter felt fantastic when he got off the table, and one of the other doctors in the room made the connection that his body had actually adjusted itself, something that ought to be impossible. Having the brilliant scientific mind that he did, Dr. Morter set out on a quest to figure out why his body had responded in the way that it did and how he could produce similar results without using the forceful adjustment techniques that he had learned in chiropractic school. After years of research and development, Dr. Morter developed B.E.S.T. for two main reasons: 1) He wanted to have a non-forceful way to adjust his patients. He realized that, any time he used the traditional methods of cracking, popping, and forcing the spine back into place, the patient’s body would go into defense mode. This means that our bodies tend to be very stubborn, and if we try to force the spine into place, the body will actually fight against this force and pull the spine right back out of place. This is why B.E.S.T. utilizes zero force whatsoever. 2) The idea behind traditional chiropractic in those days was that misalignment of the spine was causing back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, and the like, but what was causing the spine to become misaligned in the first place? If the body was designed to heal itself–no one learns how to heal a cut on their finger–and something such as an accident or injury puts the spine out of place, what is keeping it there? What could be interfering with the body’s ability to put the spine back into place? After many years of research, Dr. Morter found that in most cases, what is actually causing the ailment is emotional, or stress related. Our bodies hold on to stress from common, every day tasks, concern for the future, even stress from events that happened in our past, and this stress can keep our bodies from healing completely. B.E.S.T. Was developed not just to treat a symptom by putting the spine back into its rightful position, but to actually address the cause of the issue. Once the cause of the issue is taken care of, the symptoms naturally improve. Think of it this way. Imagine that you are driving your car when the light on your dashboard lights up indicating that you need to have your oil changed. You take your car in for an oil change, pay the fee, wait the allotted time and then realize, after your car has been returned to you, that the people that you believed were changing you oil did nothing but cover up your dashboard so that you could no longer see the light. Most people would view this type of service as unacceptable, but they do similar things when it comes to their own bodies. They perceive a certain symptom, such as pain, and do something (like take a pain killer) to simply cover up the symptom. A slightly better scenario would be what we call “treating the symptom”, which is what we compare to the workers opening the front hood and cutting the cord that lit the dashboard up. They might even show you how they got to the cause of the issue, cutting the cord that was lighting your dashboard up. There are many wonderful modalities in the world that can bring about great temporary relief. The only problem is that, in most cases, the relief is just that: temporary because the symptom is being treated rather than the cause. When most people hear this analogy, they agree that it would be quite silly to treat the dashboard if they see the light on, and that a better course of action would be to actually change the oil. This is what makes B.E.S.T. different from other forms of healing. We believe in getting to the root cause of the issue so that the symptoms go away and stay away permanently.

What do B.E.S.T. practitioners assist with?
B.E.S.T. practitioners have assisted people who struggled with the following:
Social anxiety
Back Pain
Joint Pain
Neck Pain

What is the minimum age for someone to receive a B.E.S.T. treatment?
There is no minimum age. Because B.E.S.T. does not use force, it can be an effective tool for infants and even newborns. B.E.S.T. has proven effective in improving bedwetting, colic, nightmares, and trouble sleeping through the night.

How many times would I need to see a practitioner to get the results that I need?
Each body is different. Depending on your individual condition, your practitioner will assess your body and recommend a specific treatment plan tailored for your individual needs. For some, this may be receiving one or two treatments, while others may need a series of treatments as often as once or twice per week for a certain amount of time. Your practitioner will be able to assess this and give you an approximate treatment plan for you during your first visit.

How much do you charge for B.E.S.T.?
Because you took time to visit our website, your first visit and treatment will be complimentary. During your initial visit, your practitioner will provide you with a personalized treatment plan and will then offer you a specific price to meet your budget. With the effectiveness of the technique we use, one could easily spend thousands of dollars receiving treatments elsewhere to receive the number of benefits that can be achieved through a single B.E.S.T. treatment. We try to keep our prices as affordable as possible, which is why we don’t charge thousands of dollars per treatment, nor do we charge what most of our colleagues charge (usually between $100 – $150.00 per treatment). You will never pay more than $50 for a treatment at any Feel Well, Live Well office. We also provide monthly membership options for those needing a more aggressive form of treatment plan, which can be purchased for $149 per person or $299 per household. This monthly membership covers as many treatments as the patient needs throughout the month.

This sounds almost too good to be true. Is B.E.S.T. really a “cure-all”?
No. B.E.S.T. certainly isn’t for everyone. We are actually quite selective in regards to the people we accept as practice members. Our practitioners have a success rate of over 90% with our practice members because we only take those who are wanting and willing to heal. An old saying says that there is no such thing as an incurable condition, only incurable people. B.E.S.T. will not interfere with any existing medication, physical therapy, or traditional chiropractic treatment plan, only help to speed up recovery and healing time. Are you committed to getting results? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to heal? Then B.E.S.T. may be right for you. Don’t delay any longer. Call us at 801-636-2470 today and schedule your complimentary visit
Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way, you’re right.
-Henry Ford
We help people create a 6-figure income by teaching the skills they need to master their minds and create all that they desire.

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